The infiltration is the process of water passing through the sport surface to the underlying layers. This concept is to be distinguished from the percolationwhich is the movement of water within the soil. The two phenomena are related, since infiltration cannot continue freely until percolation has removed water from the upper soil layers.
The parameter that quantifies the infiltration is the hydraulic conductivity saturated. According to the USGA, 150 mm/h is recommended for the construction of greens.
On the other hand, on stabilised greens, the Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) recommends an infiltration of more than 100 mm/h and, for football pitches, more than 50 mm/h.
From Tiloom we offer you a video tutorial in which our engineer explains how to correctly perform the infiltration test.
The correct determination is carried out by means of the infiltration test, which is detailed below:
Portable Double Ring Infiltrometer | Accurate Infiltration Measurement
- Purpose and scope. Determination of the infiltration rate of water on sports surfaces.
- Principle of the method. The test is carried out with a InfiltrometerThe outer cylinder is used as a containment area to prevent lateral flow and the inner cylinder is used to measure the infiltration velocity. The outer cylinder is used as a containment area to prevent lateral flow and inside the inner cylinder the infiltration rate is measured.
- Description of equipment. Infiltrometer. Device consisting of two concentric metal cylinders with sharp inner edges to facilitate penetration into the soil. The inner diameter is 300 +- 25 mm and forms the measuring area, and the outer diameter is 500 mm +- 25 mm, which forms a water containment area. The inner cylinder is fitted with a 1 mm precision ruler to measure the lowering of the water level contained inside. In addition, a thermometer accurate to 1°C is required to determine the water temperature.
- Operating procedure. The cylinders are driven into the surface to be tested to a depth of 50 mm (+- 5 mm), taking care to plug any cracks that form, exerting slight pressure around the wall of the infiltrometer to prevent water from seeping through. Water is then poured into the two compartments and, if the rooting layer is not saturated, it should be left for 20 minutes to moisten. During this period a minimum water level should be maintained. After the wetting time has elapsed, where necessary, the measurement is made with an initial water level of 30 mm and for a period of 20 minutes. In cases where infiltration is rapid, the time taken for the water to infiltrate 25 mm is recorded. It is monitored that the water level in the outer cylinder is the level of the inner cylinder +- 2 mm. The temperature shall be measured during the infiltration measurement. Three readings are taken and the average is taken.
- Calculation and expression of results. The water infiltration rate is calculated by dividing the water level drop (mm) by the time in hours, the unit being millimetres/hour (mm/h). The value shall be corrected by a temperature correction factor.
5/1.163; 6/1.28; 7/1.093; 8/1.058; 9/1.053; 10/1.00; 11/0.965; 12/0.942; 13/0.919; 14/0.985; 15/0.872; 16/0.849; 17/0.826, 18/0.814; 19/0.791; 20/0.767. - Report test. UNE 41959-1:2002IN; identification of surface, location, area and predicted history; mean value of infiltration rate by area; individual results; details of any deviations from the procedure.
To carry out these tests in your field you can purchase the equipment in the following links:
2 responses
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What is the price of the double ring infiltrometer?
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