In order to obtain a dense turfgrass during its establishment, it is important to know the variables and the tillering promoters. Heavy seeding is not the only tool to achieve this.
It is very important that during the consolidation of surfaces, the tapering factor is taken into account.
Phytohormones, together with good plant nutrition and lighting are the pillars of vigorous growth.
There are tillering promoters that stimulate several stems to grow from a single seed and increase the leaf density of the field exponentially. This is not only good for aesthetics and soft play, it is also good for health. This is because the root of a well-stemmed plant has a development far superior to that of a single-stemmed or poorly stemmed plant.
Vigour increases due to two factors: the arrival of much more sugars from the photosynthesis The plant's water needs (due to ET) are higher, which makes it easier for the plant to develop further.
Parameters favouring plant tillering "Golf Turf Management " (Lambert McCarty):
- Temperatures between 10 and 16 °C for cool climate turf and between 27 and 32 °C for warm climate turf.
- The lower the light intensity, the better the tillering.
- Moderate nitrogen levels favour tillering, but high levels lead to over tillering and overgrowth. Thatch will then increase at too high a rate.
- Frequent mowing removes auxin inhibitors so that tillering is stimulated.
- Long, bright days favour tillering.
- Tillering is reduced proportionally with the reduction of moisture from the field capacity.
During mowing, the apexes of the plant (main growth points) are removed and the plant develops new apexes, which encourages tillering.
The method of promoting the tillering and density of the turf is the use of phytohormones u plant hormones ("Effective Use of Plant Growth Regulators on Golf Putting Greens" BILL KREUSER, PH.D). These substances are well studied and have very favourable effects on the maintenance of a green and vigorous lawn.
- The feverfew stimulate cell shortening and increase cell density in the leaf. These two microscopic results translate into a higher concentration of chlorophyll in the leaf and the sight of greener grass.
- The auxins favour meristematic growth. This growth translates into increased growth in areas of the plant where there is potentially tissue that can form new stems or roots. The effect of auxins together with mowing is a major stimulant of tillering and promotes turf density.
- The cytokinins They slow apical dominance and encourage lateral sprouting, as well as delaying yellowing of older leaves or cut areas.
There are a multitude of tools for a dense and healthy lawn, and it is optimal to use them all in a balance that is healthy for the lawn and durable over time.
In Tiloom we can help you to know the needs of your lawn, so do not hesitate to contact us. Our professionals, with more than 15 years of experience in the sector, will know how to help you.