There are four fundamental physiological processes in the behaviour of the greens, which are: photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and translocation.
What is the process of photosynthesis?
The Importance of Photosynthesis on Greens
The physiological process of photosynthesis is the process by which the basic energy units are built, sugars. It is dependent on the lightonly takes place during the day. It is dependent on the temperatureIf the temperature is too high at the leaf base, this will cause the process to stop, "the plant's engine stops". Hence, temperature measurements are taken at the leaf base.
This process is not only fundamental to turf growth, but also influences its colour, density and overall resilience. Efficient photosynthesis is crucial to maintain the vitality and aesthetics of the greens.
What is the breathing process?
The Breathing Process: A Vital Process
The breathingis the process that breaks down these energy units for obtaining the energy needed in the internal plant processes. It takes place 24 hours a day, regardless of whether it is day or night.. This process is essential for the growth and repair of the lawn, and their efficiency can influence on the green's ability to recovering from stress and damage.
How is the efficiency of the photosynthesis process measured?
High values of the VWC (Volumetric Water Content) and high temperature measurements decrease the efficiency of photosynthesis and considerably increase respiration rates, thus can result in the expenditure of all carbohydrate reserves, leading to high stress situations. The higher the VWC, the higher the temperature the soil profile can reach.
This is when may appeardepending on the varieties used, pathological situations type Bentgrass decline or Bermudagrass decline. These abnormal situations are actually symptoms of deficient agronomic situations. We do not have to treat the symptoms, we have to prevent their causes, that is to say, to look for the correct water/air balance in the profiles of our greens.
With our PAR meter you can check the amount of light used by plants for growth and the photosynthetically active radiation.
Gas exchange in the processes of photosynthesis and respiration
We must bear in mind that photosynthesis depends on CO2, most of which comes from the soil itself.not from the atmosphere. There are readings taken alternately at the base of the leaf. and metres above sea level, where they are put on a differences in CO2 levels are evident. On the other hand, situations of compaction, excessive VWC, etc. reduce the air content in our soil profiles, resulting in a restriction of the free flow of gases and gas exchanges in the soil-plant systems. Similarly, respiration depends on oxygen. If the flow of oxygen is blocked, ethanol, a toxic gas, starts to be produced due to anaerobic conditions.
The minimisation of adverse pathological situations and their symptoms, often expressed as Bermudagrass decline or Bentgrass decline, have their origins in poor water/air balance in the soil profiles. We have to treat their causes, not their symptoms.
If you need to calculate the daily light intensity (DLI) you can consult our light meter DLI 100 for sports surfaces.