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Transition Zone reseeding

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Table of contents: Transition Zone reseeding

Temperate zones are susceptible to C3 or C4 grass varieties, depending on the average temperatures at the time. This is why reseeding is carried out on species C3 on C4, to avoid dormancy and loss of colour of the turf in winter. Increasingly, however, more and more use is being made of the application of pigments on C4 fairways to avoid reseeding, although for football pitches this solution is not valid and requires reseeding.

Sports field

The ideal time for this will be given by the curves of the growth potentialThe greater the difference in the curves, the less competition between species and the easier it is to establish.

It is common to use growth regulators such as Trinexipac-ethyl to artificially reduce growth, i.e. we modify these curves at will.

Thus, reseeding of Rye-Grass on Bermuda is mainly common. The most important steps in pre-soil preparation are:

-Decompaction through aeration with top dressing,

-Opening of spaces and reduction of density with scarifying.

Use of re-seeders for lodging at the correct depth where new seeds can germinate.

- including the use of thermal germination blankets.

Thermal germination blanket

It is advisable to reduce fertilisation in order to control the growth arrest of the established species and, as new shoots start to appear, fertilisation should be increased from foliar to granular applications. It is advisable to use sand mulches amended with worm castings or other organic matter, to increase the growth rates of the established species, and as the new shoots start to emerge, fertilisation should be increased from foliar to granular applications. microbiological communities beneficial, sheltering the seeds while reducing the need for irrigation and its potential adverse effects such as fungal diseases such as Gray Leaf Spotfrequent in newly established Rye Grass.

Reseeding process

Dew dispersants, or applications of iron that dry out the leaf, help to avoid the persistent wet conditions that lead to these diseases. In addition, the use of tools that adjust the humidity to the optimum range, such as POGO's Visual Insight humidity monitoring and visualisation platform, are especially useful in these processes, so that there are no excesses or deficits, only what is necessary for optimum germination.

Humidity monitoring

The most commonly used C3 varieties are Perennial Ryegrass with an establishment range of 3 to 4 weeks, Anuual (Italian) Ryegrass, Lolium Multiflorum faster up to 2 to 3 weeks and intermediates such as hybrids between Annual and Perennial Rye, Lolium Hybridum.



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