Everyone really knows that valuable information is extracted from mowing residues, but it is not always given the importance it really has. Collecting and measuring mowing residues is an extremely simple task and provides extremely rich information. It is not simply a number.
Measuring mowing residues is not just another value of a field, it is a reality that tells us about the state of the field.
It only takes a couple of minutes to measure the mowing residue, and a graduated container is needed to pour the residue from the mower. It is also important to know the area being mowed, so it is advisable to mow in separate areas to be able to evaluate them separately. After placing the residue in the graduated container, press down lightly so that it is not too aerated. The other option is to weigh the residues on a fixed scale. It is really important not to fail even in times when one mowing tank is sufficient for several greens.

Of course, the technician mowing the greens is well aware of the normal amount of volume to be extracted from a mowing, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to measure it. Trends can be observed that can give away a problem in advance. When the trend changes, something is going on and you need to know how to relate it: Time of year? Traffic? Disease? Fertilisation? It is important to note that the plant responds to the activity being carried out and to what extent.
If mowing residues are high, fertilisation can be played with to reduce them and thus save costs.
- When mowing debris is high, green speed tends to be reduced and when debris is low, green speed tends to increase. This is because the tissues with strong growth are softer and absorb more energy. On the other hand, low-growing tissues are harder and allow more energy to be absorbed by the green. rolling. It is certainly not the only variable that modifies the speed of the green, but at competition levels when a fast green is desired and all other variables such as compaction, compaction, speed and speed have been optimised. humidity and the height of the cut, acting on the growth can make a difference.
- Observing the mowing residues allows the Greenkeeper to assess the presence of disease, the turgidity of the leaves or their colour. In short, it gives an insight into the state of health of the crop.
The main objective of the greenkeeper is to properly manage the growth of the grassland for the stated needs.

Plant growth management is at the heart of greenkeeping. If the turf is thin and not vigorous enough to withstand traffic, measures will be taken to invigorate the surface, and if it grows too much, the pace of maintenance will be slowed down to curb this growth. Knowing what is left over from mowing is essential for this.
- Technology such as LaquaTwin can be used to determine the mowing residue's nutritional status and see if there are any problems. Ion sensors make it easier to know the concentration of ions of different elements such as potassium, calcium, sodium or sodium. NO3. Taking as a reference the levels MLSN to assess the nutritional level of the soil, this variable can be modified by applying more or less fertilisation. If leaf concentrations are correct, growth will be good.
In addition to the use of technology, knowing the volume of residues will give you confidence that you are doing a good job nutritionally, allowing you to save fertiliser when growth is high. If growth is in line, maintenance work can be reduced and if it is deficient, it can be increased until equilibrium is reached.
In short, accurate knowledge of mowing residues will give us a daily snapshot of the state of the field, providing us with valuable information that will enable us to save costs and prevent problems.