There are certain weeds narrow-bladed who predominate on our golf courses, who are not lawns but members of the families Juncaceae y Cyperaceae.
It occurs mainly in wet, poorly drained or excessively irrigated soils.
It is therefore necessary to eradicate the problems of excess humidity in our fields, as a first solution to improve the problem.
These weeds are monocotyledonous, rhizomatous, greenish-yellow species with triangular stems. They are herbaceous, perennial or annual plants with thin, linear or cylindrical leaves.
These include the sedges, all of which are included in a single genus (Juncus) with about 10 species. Depending on their seasonality, some are annual (Juncus bufonius, Juncus capitatusetc.) and other perennials (Juncus acutus, Juncus conglomeratus, Juncus subulatus, Juncus maritimusetc.).
Historically, it was treated by recurrent treatments of 2,4-D, or MSMA or DSMA type herbicides. Nowadays, Bentazone is a very useful tool for its control. Its mode of action is by contact, and therefore spraying needs to cover all weeds. However, these narrow-leaved weeds resprout easily. Halosulfuron also seems to give good results, although its action is slow, 3 to 4 weeks.
Before considering the application of pesticides, professionals responsible for their use should review the specific regulations for the application of pesticides, and any directives that may be applicable in each country.