The sensor of humidity SMEC 300 monitors soil moisture, salts and temperature with a single sensor.
For more information if you have questions or need longer cables, please contact
Use it in:
- Greenhouse containers
- Woody plantations
- Horticulture
- Greens
The salinity root growth is critical for healthy plant growth. the root system is critical for healthy plant growth. WATER QUALITYfertilisation and crop demand affect salt concentrations.

High salinity levels can induce toxicity and low salinity levels can induce nutritional deficiencies.
- Capacitance-type soil moisture sensor
- Easy calibration
- A humidity reader can be used Fieldscout or series data loggers 1000 y 2000
- It is recommended that you purchase the WaterScout Calibration Kit or the FieldScout reader to maintain the equipment.
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