TRY ELEMENTS AActive is a fertiliser liquid with synthetic amino acids of vegetable origin.
It also incorporates the "AActive colloid mobilising molecule that enhances the action of amino acids and acts as a fast and effective "transporter" of all the macros and micros incorporated.

Likewise, the "AActive colloid" carrier of the amino acids forms chelated complexes with the rest of the elements, favouring their transport and penetration through the plant cells of the plants.
Try Elements - Balanced fertiliser
TRY ELEMENTS AActive incorporates as the most representative amino acids those involved in plant growth (Glutamic Acid), the increase of photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis, as well as the plant's resistance to stress (Lysine, Serine and Arginine).
Proline promotes germination and the opening of stomata.
Serine increases the plant's resistance to adverse conditions. Proline plays a fundamental role in the physiological balance of the plant and arginine stimulates root growth and improves nutrient assimilation.
The addition of N, P, K, to TRY ELEMENTS AActive in highly assimilable forms, accentuates the beneficial effects of the amino acids, invigorating the plant, making it more resistant.

- Invigorate
- Favours phenological development
- Promotes rooting and initial growth
- Stimulates in cases where the crop is in bad condition, decayed, damaged or stressed, as well as against phytotoxicity.
- May increase the efficacy of insecticides or fungicides applied together. It is advisable to reduce doses by 10-20%. Do not apply with products incompatible with amino acids.
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